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16 Best Pet Frogs for Beginners (With Pictures)

Wright Mountain Tree Frog

Frogs are interesting animals in that they can be kept as pets, but they don’t interact with humans the same way that a dog, cat, or even a ferret might. Most like to stay to themselves, and many species don’t enjoy being handled at all. Some are poisonous, and others are just too big to take care of in a home environment. So, which are the best pet frogs for beginners? We have put together a list of relatively easy-to-care-for pet frogs that would be perfect for beginners. Read on to learn more!

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The 16 Best Pet Frogs for Beginners Are:

1. African Bullfrog

African Bullfrog on the ground
Image Credit: Martin Hejzlar, Shutterstock

Also called the Pixie Frog, the African Bullfrog is one of the largest and most popular pet frogs on the market. They can be up to 10 inches long and spend most of their time buried in the ground. If well taken care of, these frogs can live for 35 years. They tend to maintain laidback attitudes and don’t mind being held occasionally.

2. White Lipped Tree Frog

white lipped tree frog
Image Credit: Kurit afshen, Shutterstock

These little frogs grow to be only about 5 inches long, but their bright green body and beautiful white stripes make up for their small stature. They love to be active during the day and tend to spend their time climbing on tree limbs and other objects in their habitats.

3. Burmese Chubby Frog

banded bullfrog on mossy tree branch
Image Credit: Lauren Suryanata, Shutterstock

As their name suggests, these frogs have a chubby appearance and big bulging eyes that seem to always be watching what’s going on around them. The Burmese Chubby Frog doesn’t need much space to thrive — a 10-gallon aquarium would make the perfect habitat for them. They are easy to take care of too, which makes them a great pet option for first-time frog owners.

4. White’s Tree Frog

White’s Tree Frog
Image Credit: Axe77, Pixabay

The White’s Tree Frog features an interesting green-silver body and a cute little face that always seems to be smiling. They don’t typically grow larger than 5 inches in length, and they tend to be docile during the day, preferring to come out and get food at night. They are super easy to care for and don’t need much space, making them a great pet for kids.

5. Bumblebee Dart Frog

bumblebee poison dart frog_jdtarsi_Pixabay
Image Credit: jdtarsi, Pixabay

The Bumblebee Dart Frog has amazing coloring of black and bright yellow splotches, making them a fun pet for kids of all ages to observe. They don’t like to be handled much, but their vibrance and perky personality make up for the lack of hands-on interaction. They prefer to live in temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees, so a heating lamp should be a part of their habitat setup.

6. Waxy Monkey Frog

waxy monkey tree frog
Image Credit: Vladimir Wrangel, Shutterstock

This is a South American species of frog that has a bright green body and inquisitive eyes. Sometimes referred to as leaf frogs, Waxy Monkey Frogs like humid settings that replicate the feel of the rainforests that they naturally live in. Like many other species, these frogs don’t enjoy being handled, so they are best suited as pets for people who prefer observing rather than interacting.

7. African Dwarf Frog

African dwarf frog
Image Credit: Charlie Tyack, Shutterstock

The African Dwarf frog spends all their time in the water unless they are forced on land to migrate. In nature, they enjoy living in streams and ponds with fish. In captivity, they do well in 5-gallon aquariums full of water and plants, as they will only come up to the surface for air. They can live peacefully with some fish too.

8. Tomato Frog

Tomato Frog
Image Credit: miniformat65, Pixabay

These brightly colored frogs look like cherry tomatoes and can grow to be anywhere from 2 to 4 inches long. When living in captivity, the Tomato Frog likes to burrow and climb during the day. They can deal with occasional handling but prefer to be left alone. These frogs typically live for about 10 years if taken care of well.

9. Green and Black Dart Frog

green and black poison dart frog
Image Credit: worldswildlifewonders, Shutterstock

These cool little frogs look like they are fluorescent, with a black body that features bright green or blue markings. These bright colors glow to warn predators away. If predators get too close, the frog’s poison glands jump into action. Due to their poisonous characteristics, these frogs shouldn’t be handled by the inexperienced. However, their active nature makes them great observation pets for beginners!

10. Red-Eyed Tree Frog

a Red-Eyed Tree Frog in a jungle
Image Credit: katja, Pixabay

The bright red eyes are what draws people to these adorable frogs. They have lime green bodies with blue markings and bright orange, unwebbed feet. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog can live with others of the same species if their habitat is large. Their habitat should include plenty of tree branches and leaves to climb on. They are a little harder to care for than most others on our list, but if care requirements are adhered to, even beginners can help these little froggies thrive.

11. American Green Tree Frog

American green tree frog
Image Credit: Happy Moments, Shutterstock

The American Green Tree Frog only grows to about 2 inches in length, so they need little space to explore. They only live to be between 2 and 6 years old, which makes them good pets for kids who might be going away to college or moving on to other interests in the coming years. They don’t require much attention to thrive, which makes them great pets for people who are always on the go.

12. Gray Tree Frog

gray treefrog
Image Credit: waltersgreenhouse, Pixabay

This small frog seems to have a wartier body than the other frogs on our list, but they make up for their weird, muddy gray look with their active and curious personality. They are considered endangered, so it is important to purchase them from licensed breeders to help control their population in nature.

13. Amazon Milk Frog

amazon milk frog_Kurit afshen_Shutterstock
Image Credit: Kurit afshen, Shutterstock

The Amazon Milk Frog prefers to live in the rainforest, so their habitats in captivity should include plenty of humidity and lush foliage to explore. They have green bodies with unique shiny brown markings around their arms, on their faces, and on their backs. They can live with multiple other Amazon Milk Frogs and live up to 10 years old.

14. Budgett Frog

budgett's frog in the water
Image Credit: akayuki Ohama, Shutterstock

These weird-looking frogs have huge eyes that stay above the waterline while hunting for food from below the surface. They also have large mouths that are about as wide as their little bodies. The Budgett Frog is easy to take care of, but they don’t move much throughout the day, which makes them a little boring to observe.

15. Oriental Fire Bellied Frog

Oriental Fire Bellied Frog Closeup_Kurit afshen_Shutterstock
Image credit: Kuritafshen, Shutterstock

This insect-eating frog has a bright orange or red underbelly and a bright green top with black splotches all over them. Originating from Asia, the Oriental Fire Bellied Frog is most commonly bred and raised in captivity today. These little frogs can get aggressive when their habitat is disturbed, so care and patience should be practiced when handling them.

16. Pacman Frog

strawberry pacman frog
Image Credit: Dennis W Donohue, Shutterstock

Larger than the average frog, the Pacman comes in a variety of different colors and can grow to be at least 7 inches long. These frogs are naturally aggressive, and they can bite, so gloves should be worn by owners whenever they handle them or clean their habitats. If this rule is observed, even beginners can enjoy owning these frogs.

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Our Final Thoughts

Some of the frogs on our list are easier to take care of than others, but each one is suitable for the beginner frog pet owner. Frogs are good pets for those who don’t expect much hands-on interaction and for people who don’t have time to commit to a great deal of maintenance. No matter which type of frog you decide to invest in, you are sure to be rewarded with unique observation experiences. Do any of the frog species on our list interest you? If so, which ones? Let us know in the comments section below.

Featured Image Credit: Jumpstory

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